2008 - Franklin Refrigerator
Cool Trick For Red Wine Removal
Here is a simple and effective way to remove red wine from your carpet. The biggest mistake most people make when trying to remove a spill from their carpet is rubbing on the spot with a rag or paper towel. Rubbing any spot or spill will only push the spill further down into the carpet and may actually penetrate the fiber itself, getting into the dye site. This is very bad, especially if the carpet is nylon, which the majority of carpet in residential homes are.
Red wine can be even trickier because it naturally contains dye. Even blotting the stain like you should, does not always remove red wine. So what is a good way to remove red wine? Next time you have a red wine spill, cover the spot with corn starch and push it down in the carpet with your hand or foot to make sure it is all the way down to the bottom of the carpet.
Wait for a day or so and then vacuum the corn starch away. Most of the time, this method removes all of the red wine without causing a permanent stain on the carpet. If you are ever in doubt on how to remove any spot or spill from your carpet, refer to the manufacturers instructions. If you are not sure who that is, call the business that sold you the carpet or look on your receipt.
Important Note: Make sure you give the corn starch at least 24 hours to work before you vacuum it away.
Bobby Walker
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Cool Trick For Red Wine Removal
Here is a simple and effective way to remove red wine from your carpet. The biggest mistake most people make when trying to remove a spill from their ...
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Franklin Refrigerator in the news
Nine cool jobs that pay well (CNN.com)
Mon, 02 Jun 2008 05:53:07 PDT
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Wine Country Classic historic car weekend at Infineon (Sonoma Index-Tribune)
Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:42:35 PDT
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Mon, 02 Jun 2008 09:32:36 PDT
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Coastal Living mag names top 10 seafood and wine festivals (AP via Yahoo! News)
Mon, 02 Jun 2008 11:34:44 PDT
Whether it's sushi and sake or crab and chardonnay, fish and wine pair well. Coastal Living Magazine - http://www.coastalliving.com - has a list of the top 10 seafood and wine festivals in its June issue, including festivals taking place in Hawaii and California this summer.
Who’s Who in Wine Hospitality (North Bay Business Journal)
Mon, 02 Jun 2008 13:10:10 PDT
Ariel Ceja, 25, is general manager of Ceja Vineyards, a 10,500-case-a-year popular first stop for Wine Country day-trippers from San Francisco, according to tour guides.
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