This composition on New Wine was written with the purest intention of spreading information New Wine . Let it retain its purity.
Understand Wine and Your Health
During the 1990s, a physician voiced on the television show "Sixty Minutes" that drinking red wine reduces heart disease. He cited the relatively lower levels of the disease in France despite their ever so famously high fat diets. Since that program, it seems that red wine health effects have been on the forefront of the wine consumers mind.
Good for the Heart
Coronary artery disease is caused by a build up of cholesterol in the arteries that supply the blood to the heart. If the arteries get partially blocked the heart cannot get enough oxygen and the result is pain. Does red wine protect against heart disease?
Many studies suggested that moderate amount of red wine (one to two glasses a day) lowers the risk of heart attack for middle aged people by 30 to 50 percent. It was also concluded that red wine may prevent additional heart attacks if you have already suffered from one.
The cholesterol that blocks these arteries is called low density lipo-protein or referred to as the bad cholesterol. This is cleared from the blood by high density lipo-proteins or the good cholesterol. Moderate wine consumption produces a better balance of these two. Additionally, wine has an anti-coagulation effect which makes the blood less likely to clot.
Red Wines
Chemical and food experts have known for years that wine contains rich deposits of vitamins, minerals, and natural sugars that are often beneficial to good health. Wine is also rich in potassium and low in sodium. Red wines have more of these elements due to the juices longer contact with the grape skins. Red wines are also rich in Vitamin B which comes from the grape skins as well.
Wine and Digestion
Wine aids in the production and flow of gastric juices. This facilitates digestion by breaking down the food in the stomach quickly and effectively. For many, after the age of 50 our bodies do not produce enough hydrochloric acid that are needed for digestion. So many doctors, including my own, have suggested a glass or two of wine with a meal. Who am I to complain?
Wine also has a tranquil effect on the body and helps people who have trouble sleeping. And it does not stop there as it may help lower the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimers disease.
Wine and Calories
As of now, there is no such thing as a diet wine. Unfortunately, there is no getting away from the fact that wine contains calories and calories make you fat if you do not burn them up. A glass of white or red wine contains around 100 calories. Sweeter wines that contain residual sugar as well as alcohol have more calories.
Final Thoughts
When you put everything together you may decide that a little bit of wine does you some good. Wine certainly has its place in a healthy lifestyle. That is my conclusion, and I am sticking with it!
Contributor: Stuart Glasure [Designer, Sommelier, Owner]
Thoughts about New Wine
Understand Wine and Your Health
During the 1990s, a physician voiced on the television show "Sixty Minutes" that drinking red wine reduces heart disease. He cited the relatively lowe...
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