2008 - Cheap Wine
Wine Making Gifts
There are many wine enthusiasts who have often toyed with the idea of making their own wine. For such people, the ideal gift is a wine making kit. Wine making kits have grown in popularity over the years as they are less labor intensive than making wine from fresh grapes. It also helps people to have a taste of wines from the different regions in the world, as there are many kinds of wines which are not easily available in North America.
Making one's own wine is also less expensive and ideal for those who are interested in wines, but lack the financial resources. To cite an example, if ones wants to make a five-gallon batch of wine, almost 90 pounds of grapes will be required, which could cost as little as $100 or as high as $400, depending upon the grape quality. Wine making kits that yield the same volume run anywhere from $40 to $100. Many kits include a variety of paraphernalia which aid the first time wine maker, such as recipes, manuals, precautions, and other important instructions. In fact, these kits prove to be a great gift either for novice wine makers as it helps them learn the art of wine making or, for wine experts as it enables them to enhance their knowledge about wine making.
Generally, four different types of wine making kits are available in the market. These are pure juice kits, fully concentrated grape juice kits, partially concentrated grape juice kits and mixed kits, which combine both juice and concentrate. The method of wine making doesn't really differ in these kits. Perhaps, the only difference is that the pure juice kits require no additional water. The prices of these kits vary with the purity of the product. Pure juice kits are more expensive than the concentrate or mixed kits, not only due to their purity but also due to the costly transport (they weigh more than concentrate or mixed kits) and storage requirements (they must be refrigerated).
Wine Gifts provides detailed information on Wine Gifts, Gifts For Wine Lovers, Wine Related Gifts, Corporate Wine Gifts and more. Wine Gifts is affiliated with Wine and Cheese Gift Baskets. |
Thoughts about Cheap Wine
Wine Making Gifts
There are many wine enthusiasts who have often toyed with the idea of making their own wine. For such people, the ideal gift is a wine making kit. Win...
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Cheap Wine Products we recommend
Gift Box for 1 bottle Grapes

Price: 2.99 USD
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